11am on Sundays
Every Sunday
we meet for worship at 11am.
We have Holy Communion services on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays every month. Morning Worship is on the 2nd Sunday and All Age Worship is on the 4th Sunday. Our services combine Anglican liturgy and hymns with informal and contemporary music. During the service there is a Sunday School (GodZone & DDZ) in the church centre for children over 4, and there is a creche area for children, 3 years and under at the back of church.
10am on Wednesdays
Every Wednesday at 10am
(during term time only)
There is a short, said Holy Communion service. This is a joint service with St Stephen's Church and is held at St Stephen's Church, Cranmer Rd, Moortown, Leeds LS17 5DR.