The Parish of St Barnabas Alwoodley Leeds

St Barnabas Church welcomes everyone, of all ages and abilities, to worship with us. This statement is intended to give information about access to our buildings, services and events.

The Church
The church building may be accessed via a ramp with adjacent handrail, or by one step with a rail.
The carpark has two spaces allocated for the use of disabled people.
Inside, the church is laid out with individual chairs, some with arm sides. The chairs may be moved from any row to make space for a wheelchair. The Welcome Team would be happy to assist.
All the words for the service are projected onto a large screen. There is also a second, smaller screen mounted on the wall part way down the church. For those with impaired vision the service can be relayed to your own handheld tablet, or there is one available to borrow from the Sound Desk. Notices are displayed on the screen prior to the service and can be found online on the Church website. Weekly news is emailed to church members.
The church is fitted with an induction loop for those who wear a hearing aid.
There is an accessible toilet at the back of church. Handrails are fitted to aid transfers.
Please speak to a member of the Welcome Team on a Sunday morning if you require any assistance.

The Church Centre
There is level access to the Church Centre from the carpark. All main rooms are accessible by wheelchair. There is an accessible toilet with handrails to aid transfers.

St Barnabas is currently live streaming services on YouTube every Sunday morning at 11.00. It is possible to turn on subtitles for these videos. The services remain available on YouTube to be viewed at a later time.

Church Disability Rep
St Barnabas has a disability representative who would be very happy to answer any queries.
Please contact Rosemary Bayford through the church office at